Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sketch It!

For some people, part of the fun of scrapping is finding new and inventive ways to share photos.  And we find inspiration for these ways in a variety of places including art, and in the case of this tutorial, graphic art.  For the June 2012 Stylelift Challenge, we are inspired by the work of Nikki Farquharson's Mixed Media Girls.

To create the sketched look, we can use Photoshop Elements. First choose and open an image that has a clear main subject. Duplicate the background layer by pressing Ctrl+J or dragging the thumbnail to the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette.
Turn this layer to black and white by going to Enhance > Adjust Color > Remove Color.

Then, apply the filter, Glowing Edges.
Depending on the size of your image, you will need to adjust the settings to get the edges well highlighted.

Next, invert the layer by pressing Ctrl+I.
Now we need to get rid of some of those greys, so add a threshold adjustment layer.
Adjust the slider so that your edges are clear.

I hope this tutorial has given you some inspiration to play with your photos.

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